
5 Ways to Attract More High-Quality Real Estate Clients

23 Dec, 2019

Ask any real estate professional, and they will tell you the same thing, “No two real estate clients are created equal.” Some are great to work with, easy to appease and appreciate the work you put into their investment. Others…not so much.

Did you know that attracting more, high-quality real estate clients isn’t just luck? It actually comes down to strategy and defining the clients you want to work with before going out and marketing yourself. Here are five steps for attracting more high-quality real estate clients:

Step 1 – Separate the Good from the Not-So-Good

Before you start attracting the right kind of real estate clients, you need to define exactly what that means. List your favorite and least favorite 5 clients by name on a piece of paper. Leave three to four lines between each name.

Step 2 – Reminisce About the Good (or Bad) Times You Had

Think about the transaction(s) of your favorite clients, and try to remember what you liked about them. Write them down. If problems arose, were they pleasant to work with as you sorted the issue out? Were they always prompt in returning documents and paperwork? Be as specific as you can.

Step 3 – Get Detailed with the Data

Time to delve deeper. Write down important information about the transaction and the client. Transaction details will include information bout the neighborhood, the property type, the price range, etc. Client details should include everything you know about the client. Think demographic information—things that would show up on a census. The most important detail to remember, of course, is how they became your client. How did you get that lead? Was it an open house? A referral? Knowing this will help you find more clients just like them.

Step 4 – Find the Pattern

Once you have all the pertinent details down, it’s time to analyze them and look for patterns. Usually your list will all have some similarities, often in terms of careers, income, and marital status. You are going to use these common denominators of your clients to create a persona. Personas are important tools in the corporate world. Companies use them to define their ideal customers. Often each product will have several personas. Create several personas of ideal clients and use them as a guiding light for all your other lead generation efforts.

Step 5 – Revisit Your Nightmare Client List

Time to go back to the 5 least favorite clients you wrote down. Follow steps two through four to create a persona of your worst-case scenario clients. It’s also important to recognize how you ended up with this client, as it’s something you’ll want to avoid in the future.

That’s all it takes! Follow these five steps and your real estate lead generation efforts will not be wasted on clients you don’t really want to work with.

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