Real Estate Law: The Importance of Choosing the Right Type of Deed and Form of Ownership

Real Estate Law: The Importance of Choosing the Right Type of Deed and Form of Ownership

27 Jul, 2022

Recently, a real estate agent contacted me because their clients had a court ordered judgment attach against their property. The

When Buying a Home, Being Penny Wise May Leave You Dollar Foolish

26 Jul, 2022

Imagine this: You’re finally ready to sell your home and move on to the next stage in your life. You

Breach of Broker Buyer Agreement in Real Estate—How to Avoid a Legal Battle

09 May, 2022

By: R. Glenn Donaldson, Esq., Founder, Velocity Title A high producing real estate brokerage and their agent recently came to

Inflation, Real Estate and Interest Rates: The Rise Has Begun!

18 Apr, 2022

Inflation is here. It is a topic of discussion on the news, in Congress and at the kitchen table. Gas

The Russian-Ukraine Conflict and U.S. Real Estate: Rates Dip and Home Prices Rise

03 Mar, 2022

Since the beginning of the year, we have seen mortgage rates go up a whole percentage but as of March

Non-QM Loans: Understanding What They Are, and the Pros and Cons

22 Feb, 2022

In the hopes of getting more borrowers in the game, Non-QM Loans (Non-Qualified Mortgages) have grown significantly. QM Loans (Qualified

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